
Heron's Eye 27/10/08

Political hypocrisy - don't you hate it? 27/10/08
Michael White analyses the Machiavellian positions that politicians take to appear honest and compares it with historical politicians from the past. [Guardian]

Tories face call to repay Rothschild £1m loan
“The Conservative party faced demands last night to repay a huge loan from a member of the Rothschild banking family made through a company set up with the sole purpose of protecting her anonymity.” [Guardian]

Survey shows George Osborne affair has tarnished Tories 27/10/08
Deborah Summers on how the Oleg Deripaska affair appears to have impacted on the Conservative part’s image. [Guardian]

Darling 'misguided' on recession strategy 27/10/08
“A group of economists has attacked the government's Keynesian strategy to spend its way out of the recession as "misguided and discredited". Further big increases in public-sector spending would make the state's role so dominant it would stunt the private sector's recovery, they say in a letter in yesterday's Sunday Telegraph.”[Guardian]

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