
Music News Bulletin - 17/06/08

Where did all the money go? It's in the Black Box...: As revenues from music become increasingly diversified, it's becoming more and more difficult for artists to keep track of what they're owed May 20 2008
"An astute business sense and creativity doesn't always bless the same person. Matter of fact, judging from the many examples, in books like Hit Men, of artists getting royally screwed, musicians have a tendency to take their eye off the ball when it comes to the business side of the music business. Hey, who'd want to spend a day sifting through royalty statements and contracts when it can be spent making music?

Well, I decided to educate myself by attending an event thrown by MusicTank, where the future of record deals was being discussed. On the panel was Adrian Bullock, an auditor of royalties (don't fall asleep; this is going to get interesting), who kept referring to Black Box. No, he wasn't talking about the nineties house act of Ride On Time fame, nor about airplanes - though the artist managers on the panel seemed to be looking for Black Box like a rescue team after a crash." [Guardian]

Amazon cuts Coldplay album prices to bring in the crowds June 17, 2008
"If you are going up against a giant, it helps if you too are a giant. And scrappy.That appears to be Amazon.com's strategy as its MP3 store takes on Apple's iTunes in digital music.Today, the British alternative rock group Coldplay (pictured above), is releasing its new album, "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends." Amazon is using the occasion to wave in more customers with some huge discounts.

Amazon said it would begin selling digital versions of past Coldplay albums for bargain-basement prices. As part of a weekly promotion called Daily Deal, the Coldplay album "X&Y" is today available for $1.99. On Wednesday, "A Rush of Blood to the Head" can be yours for $1.99. Both albums are currently $7.99 on iTunes. "Parachutes" is next up on Thursday for $1.99. On Friday, the "Brothers and Sisters" EP will cost you only 99 cents." [LATimes]

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