
EU Public Affairs Monitor - 04/06/08

YouTomb: A YouTube takedown May 20, 2008
"Some enterprising MIT students are raging against the machine. In this case, they are targeting YouTube, the video-sharing website run by Internet giant Google.

The students' website, YouTomb, documents which videos are removed from YouTube for alleged copyright violations or other reasons, so they don't disappear unnoticed. You can't watch the videos on the site, but you can find out what happened to them." [LATimes]

The (knife) fight over Internet radio royalties continues June 4, 2008
"Joe Kennedy, chief executive of Pandora, carries a weapon in his battle over Internet radio royalty rates that he says could kill his popular online music site: a Stiletto.

Not the old-fashioned, sharpened-steel knife popular with mobsters and dancing street gangs in "West Side Story." This is the high-tech Stiletto 100 Portable Satellite Radio from Sirius. Kennedy brandishes it when he meets with members of Congress to highlight what he calls the inequity of the royalty rates.

The Stiletto has two antennas. One picks up Sirius' satellite signal and the other connects via Wi-Fi. But songs played over those connections pay different performance royalty rates." [LATimes]

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