
Music News Bulletin - 24/10/08

MySpace Music Struggles to Hit the Right Pitch With Indie Labels 10/24/08
"When it first launched, MySpace Music had support from major record labels as well as The Orchard, a strong independent distributor. Largely left out were smaller independent labels not associated with The Orchard. A month later, MySpace is attempting to grow its stake in the indie field by cutting a deal with another large distributor for independent music, IODA.

A month after irking part of the independent recording community by launching its online music service mostly with major labels, MySpace Music Latest News about MySpace has made a deal to almost double the amount of indie tunes available through the service." [HeutePopMorgen]

Digital music and ‘the recession’ October 3rd, 2008
"So what’s going on? A recession? A real one or just one that gets newspapers excited? I’m too cynical to get get concerned about these issues until they really effect me or I can see other people affected.

Then I looked at my schedule for the upcoming Popkomm conference in Berlin and noticed it is still strangely open. Either I am becoming less popular or the companies I normally catch up with at this conference are not attending this year. The latter seems to be the case: lots of emails from people saying that they will not make it this time. Those are often Americans and it looks like they want to safe a few dollars by not making it over to Berlin. Will be interesting to see if the American companies that brought over 30+ people and took out huge stands the last few years will do the same next week." [HeutePopMorgen]

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