
EU Commission: Information and Society 15/09/08

Funding Opportunities: Towards a Future Internet : Interrelation between Technological, Social and Economic Trends – CORRIGENDUM 15/09/2008
This study is meant to investigate the interrelations between technological, social and economic trends related to the future Internet: at first, by analysing how the current Internet evolved until now, its main drivers and effects; then, by discussing the possible technological options and scenarios for its further development and their likely socio-economic impact; finally, by identifying risks/opportunities for Europe. Based on an overview of existing studies in this area, the study should consult the main authorities in the field of Internet developments, both at political and technological level, covering the whole range of different social, political and business positions. Visionary scientists and politicians should be duly identified and interviewed, personally or in ad-hoc events organised in order to stimulate brainstorming and public awareness on this new conceptual approach. A strong web presence is necessary to support the study and create public awareness on the topic. Deadline for submission of tenders: 22 September 2008. Deadline for request of documents: 15 September 2008 [Europa]

Competitive European Regions through Research and Innovation - Practical guide to EU Funding Opportunities for Research and Innovation 15/09/08
This guide provides all stakeholders with user-friendly information on the different funding sources. It includes a description of each fund, advice for policy makers and an innovative Checklist and Scorecard. The Checklist and Scorecard allow potential beneficiaries to quickly identify exactly how they can access European funding at every stage of the development and implementation of a project. [Europa]

EU proposes major update to IT trade pact 15/09/08
The European Commission has today presented at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) its proposal to update and expand the Information Technology Agreement (ITA), an existing trade deal between some of the world's biggest trade powers that lowers the cost of IT products. The proposal would take account of new products that have entered the market since the agreement was originally concluded in 1996, eliminating customs duties for these goods. Further points considered are tackling non-tariff barriers "behind the border", as well as the problems caused by the non-functioning of some of the mechanisms and procedures provided for in the current ITA. The Commission hopes that other WTO members will engage in discussions in the near future. [Europa]

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